Friday, November 06, 2009

Craftspeople and Seers

Craftspeople are highly skilled experts in the practice of one's craft. Master craftspeople are best students when they were in the school. They are excellent problem solvers. In the normal period of work, you need crafts people to run the business smooth. Lot of people fall into this category.

Seers are creative rebels with rare talent. Seers are capable of ferreting out wrong assumptions or ask the right questions. Seers are highly trained, but need not be technically as proficient as craftspeople. Seers are dreamers. During revolutionary periods, you need seers, who can peer ahead into the darkness.

The prime example of a Seer is Einstein. He couldn't get a decent job as a scientist when he was young, slow in argument, easily confused; others were much better at mathematics. Einstein said to have remarked, "It's not that I am so smart. It's just that I stay with the problems longer."

Like anything, there are exceptions to this categorization. Isaac Newton is both an extraordinary visionary and the best mathematician of his day. Almost everything about Newton is singular and inexplicable.

- Derived from the book "The Trouble with Physics" by Lee Smolin

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